On sale


A beautifully bountiful bundle of blooms! Make a statement with our most popular bouquet.


A mix of ethically-grown flowers, arranged in our signature carefree and natural style. Our Grand size offers a surprise variety of flowers depending on market availability and season.

Our wrapped bouquets are seasonal and ever-changing. We pick out our flowers fresh every week, so we don’t always know the exact variety of blossoms or colours we will be using until we go to create the bouquets. And while we can’t promise exactly what will be in your arrangement, we do know they will be beautiful and totally unique!


We recommend cleaning the vase, changing the water, cutting stems, and remove spent flowers on the daily for the best vase life.

After a day or two, you can remove the wire tie to give your blooms room to breathe and prevent bacterial growth.


We know sometimes you like to have flowers show up as a surprise, but our delivery system requires us to be able to contact the recipient during delivery, so please provide the proper phone number and contact information for the recipient.

Deliveries may arrive between 11h00 - 21h00. We are not able to guarantee a specific delivery time.
If the address is an office/business, please leave a note at checkout and we will make the necessary accommodations.

Bouquet and vase will be delivered separately. If you want your bouquet arranged in the vase, please select in-store pick up at checkout.

What’s pictured here gives you a glimpse of what you can generally expect from this bouquet, but not a carbon copy! Flower varieties and colours are subjected to change without prior notice due to availability and artists’ choice.

We use a mix of Canadian-grown and imported blooms. We conduct our own research to find socially and environmentally responsible farms who are transparent about their operations.

Sale price

Regular price $220.00
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